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'This is compulsory vaccination': Fury at PM's threat to make anyone going to a nightclub prove they are double-jabbed - even though it does NOT prove you don't have the virus  Boris Johnson is facing a backlash from Tories and civil liberties campaigners after delivering an ultimatum to young people at a press briefing last night. 7.1k comments 3 videos

How to survive the heatwave! From sleeping to protecting your pets, entertaining the kids and recipes you can cook without turning on the oven, the tricks EVERYONE needs to know Few of us are fortunate to have air conditioning systems in our homes (let's face it, there aren't many times during the year that's needed in the UK), but there are things you can do to cool down. 48 comments

The area of Serra da Capivara hosts one of the most important archaeological sites in the Americas, containing evidence and artifacts that have forced a major reevaluation of basic traditional theories about the origins of human settlement in the Americas.

Funds and speculators on U.S. futures markets are their most bullish on the Brazilian real in more than four years, data showed, attracted to the currency by the recent surge in 2021 interest rate and economic growth expectations.

In the mid-16th century, Brazil was a major producer and exporter of sugar. To meet the labor requirements for the sugar industry, the Portuguese had to import slaves from Africa.

Сцена из балета «Яра» на музыку Э. Вила-Лобоса. Хореограф Х. Ландер. Муниципальный театр (Рио-де-Жанейро).

Acho interessante por identicamente conjuntamente poder olhar as notícias por um lado diferente do mainstream americano.

'Pingdemic' puts staycations at risk: Holiday lettings boss warns NHS app is forcing staff to isolate and 'must be abolished NOW' - as one in five parents Eleições 2022 'are prepared to take children out of school early to avoid ruining summer' Kate Allen, owner of the luxury holiday lettings business Salcombe Finest, warned that failing to abolish the app would be a death blow to the holiday Notícias de Alberto Silva industry. 187 comments 1 video

He was re-elected in 1951 and stayed News in office until his suicide in 1954. The successive governments continued industrial and agriculture growth and development of the vast interior of Brazil.

Compartilhar nas redes sociais "Música: MC Zaac aponta redes sociais como parte do sucesso alcançado pelo funk"

In his first broadcast interview, the hostile former chief adviser to Mr Johnson accused his one-time boss of putting 'his own political interests ahead of people's lives'. He also revealed that the Prime Minister also wanted to carry on meeting the Queen in person while Downing Street was rife with Covid, eventually backing down when it was pointed out he could kill her. 1.4k comments 1 video

The Pantanal area of Brazil is considered by many to be the world’s largest, freshwater, wetland system. It is one of the most pristine and biologically rich environments on the planet.

Б. – латиноамериканская страна сравнительно высокого уровня экономического развития (учитывая уровень концентрации капитала, развития технологий, отраслевую диверсификацию и т. п.), с наибольшим экономическим потенциалом в регионе.

Вар­гас раз­гро­мил «кон­сти­ту­цио­на­ли­стов» и, что­бы ис­клю­чить воз­мож­ность во­зоб­нов­ле­ния ак­тив­ных дей­ст­вий оп­по­зи­ции, при­влёк не­ко­то­рых из них к управ­ле­нию государством. Тем же спо­со­бом он ре­шил про­бле­му ра­ди­каль­но­го кры­ла «Ли­бе­раль­но­го аль­ян­са» – те­нен­ти­стов, про­из­ве­дя, как го­во­ри­ли Alberto Silva то­гда в по­ли­тических кру­гах, «лей­те­нан­тов в пол­ков­ни­ки».

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